

Cat Parent | Pokémon Trainer| Digimon Tamer | FanArt enjoyer | Happily married 💍 | 33 | enby | he/they | Offmon stan

フォロー数:1722 フォロワー数:343

The more I think about it, the more I think my favorite Digimon may actually be Wanyamon

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I enjoy that Wiglett is Diglett but not, conveying divergent evolution. They finally caught up to Digimon after all these years!

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Greetings from Apple World!

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So, , your custom Pokémon card features Dragonite and Butterfree. Are these your favorite Pokémon? If not, what is your favorite Pokémon? Just curious as a life long Pokémon fan and a big fan of yours.

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Why do I love this so much?

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