

she/her, pan - black artist into a lot of things idk - emo as fuck - 🇳🇬🇧🇸 art acc: @PKalt01 - vent acc: @PKrots…

フォロー数:2145 フォロワー数:3963

I love Strawberry Shortcake so goddamn much man...

8 41

Ah hell nah they got PKYT doin the floss

3 9

More Strawberry Shortcake 2003 concept art dropped let's gooooo

9 33

It’s time to get triggered. Get ready for the animated adaptation of the popular Nintendo YouTuber, Nathanieal Bandy! With his brother Bathaniel Nandy, they can stop anything, such as the forces of Lego Mario and SimpleFlips!

1 6

He was whitewashed

3 18

Spell “Strawberry” with your eyes closed

1 19

I’m glad that they decided to make her design more different from the 1980’s version, but it’s interesting to think about how the show would’ve ended up like if they went with that design.

3 18

All of Strawberry Shortcake’s outfits seen in Strawberry Shortcake 2003

15 53

“sOniC gEnErAtiOnS sTaNs OnLy CoMe BaCk To ThE gAmE fOr MoDeRn SoNiC”

30 163

Custard or Pupcake?

1 4