

Creations: #ThePlebe #TheModernSisyphus #TalesoftheAlmost #BRADYtheBETTA #CCTEDDY #JohnnyGnat #Coqui #ArmstrongHopp #TheNudistToonist An actual cartoonist

フォロー数:1110 フォロワー数:3755

Never invited to the Bonfires of the Manatees

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Remembering that time, I pinned this up for an assignment at art school and not a word was spoken.

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Because I’m 99.9% sure I found a BTS picture of my 11 yr self watching the estuary/bohemian woman scene which I’m contacting the original photographer to get an 8x10 or 11x14 print for myself

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a fully paid studio and townhouse so I could work uninterrupted with my friends

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I would have many more friends than I do now

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