

#IRySuperb ,#IRyS & #IRyStocrats, relax, enjoy, nature, animals, food, clothes, funny, live action tweets. PONRySKnecht#7469

フォロー数:2834 フォロワー数:1295

Since she is half angel and half demon, she must have a dependents character in addition to the mascot character, right? So I asked to draw two illustrations of my dependents with detailed specifications, and one of them is ready.

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天使と悪魔のハーフだからマスコットキャラ以外にも眷属キャラも必要でしょ。と思って さんに眷属キャライラストを2つ、詳細指定をして描いてもらい、1つは出来ました。

1 23

If you are half angel and demon, you need a dependents, right? So, I changed the icon to an illustration drawn by Shiroimaru−SAN.

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