

global hardware gaming Artist Part of the @freemodegroup family and @crkdgg creative director

フォロー数:182 フォロワー数:37494

You know what would be super cool if i made this and give it away as a something extra towards it ??? https://t.co/pN4NOiWxUe

23 269

what you need in weather like this is a good old POPE ice cream or Doughnut controller get them while you can they will soon be gone https://t.co/JjiBo79pUW

14 79

I remember being sent this I kept it always made me laugh you guys are funny

3 90

Bet you don’t have this one yet 🤔 https://t.co/1vRxKM7o7v

9 73

And very useful not only for gaming https://t.co/5h1nlYHyj4

0 6