Katelyn Jewel (Owner of the Luigium)さんのプロフィール画像

Katelyn Jewel (Owner of the Luigium)さんのイラストまとめ

Luigi helped me fight a major depression and made me feel better about myself, so I built a huge shrine dedicated to him.

フォロー数:640 フォロワー数:257

The strongest thing about Yamcha: His friendship with Puar.❤

Art by Samtronika, Ryokuso and Yamchafan91

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So I've recently heard Sonic Adventure era fans criticize the designs of the Wisps and Zeti saying they look out of place in the Sonic universe. As someone who was introduced to the series through the Classic era, I remember a time when Big the Cat and the Chao looked unusual.

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Luigi's death stare was a thing before Mario Kart 8 made it famous.

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These are the last Otenba Peach-hime images I could find. This series of strips were part of the Shogakukan's Shōgakusannensei magazines from 1992-1994. I hope more of these strips can be found some day. I plan to translate these if nobody else does first.

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