

Hey there my cookie loving boys and girls around the world it's Long aka PokemonRangerBoy12! 8D SatoSere Fanatic and secretly a cookie monster in disguise! :D

フォロー数:173 フォロワー数:3442

Working on my review for this weeks PJ ep right now, but without spoiler anything I can honestly say that ....


Hope you guys will look forward to my review! =)

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Just realized that YouTube really has done it and removed the dislike button! :O

I've been on youtube for such a long time and not seeing the dislikes imo is just so messed up.

But for now I guess we have to get used to this :/

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Pokemon (2019) anime gets more and more exciting and now we have the announcement that BLEACH which is my other fave anime OF ALL TIME has been announced for a return!

In short: 2020 will be an amazing year! =D

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Me: I would love it if people would start to ship Marnie with Gladion

shipping fandom: already created Marnie x Gladion fan art.

in short: I love the Pokemon shipping community! xD



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While recording for the Detective Pikachu video I gave him the initials *DP* in my script

And every time I read *DP* I automatically read *Diamond and Pearl* instead of Detective Pikachu!, XD

God damn it PokeAni....

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It's already 2019 in Germany,but I stll wish all of you a Happy New Year and hopefully another year of fun with all of you & the Pokemon Anime! :)

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Sorry for the absence but like every year I was very busy during the holidays with meeting family, preparing christmas dinner etc.

But I still hope that you guys had an awesome Christmas! :)

(sadly wasn't able to review 100 & 101, but I will upload 102 asap)

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I somehow was able to get access to the *Power of Us* movie despite living in Germany (where they sadly didn't air the movie )

I will watch it today and hopefully will make a video about during the next few days!^^

Hope you'll look forward to it & HAVE A NICE DAY!

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Sorry for the late update, but life is still pretty rough.

but I just found this on pixiv and I'm immidiately in a good mood again! :D

hope you have a nice day! :)

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I wanted to ask you guys ''Why is Bowsette a thing?''

then I remembered that it's the internet. the same place where Ash got turned into a cute anime waifu.

No explanation needed anymore! xD

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