zeng | Cain ❤️さんのプロフィール画像

zeng | Cain ❤️さんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:206

Give me a man like Cain please 🙇🏻‍♀️

4 22

I just want to add his thoughtfulness. It's so precious 😩❤️

2 3

His love for Jooin is not disgusting just because he WAS a dog. It's actually one of the most beautiful form of love in BLs that I've seen. Why? He managed to keep his memories from the past and he's a HUMAN now. You yourself could've been a little animal lmao 😭

2 18

Him being a dog before is totally out of the topic now because he's a full grown man (we even saw his glowstick duh 🤣). He got so flustered when he made a close contact with Jooin which is why I think his feelings for his master before is either platonic, loyalty or gratitude.

2 17

I just want to give some emphasis to this. I think Cain's love for his master is more like "platonic" or he's simply feeling grateful and that sense of great loyalty is present. Or maybe it was romantic but he didn't acknowledge it before since he was technically a dog.

2 17

He's been paying a lot of attention to Jooin to the point that he can tell if Jooin is having it hard or if he feels bad or if there's something wrong with him.

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He's ready to make such efforts to ensure that Jooin is living well.

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Even after his reincarnation and meeting with his past master again, he never thought about anything like that. Fcking him? It didn't cross his mind at first. He just wanted to ensure Jooin's happiness and well-being.

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He's not rushing Jooin about anything. He's always willing to wait for him and he respects Jooin a lot.

1 4

"His love is purely carnal." No it's not. These are the stated reasons why he likes Jooin. He is cute, kind, lovely. Jooin is a good person. There were no reasons like "I want to touch him" or some other terms that can be considered "carnal."

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