

20y. holetown animator. Calarts CA 26’ ARM/ENG

フォロー数:1494 フォロワー数:360

im so closeeeeeeee to finishing.. i can almost taste the freedom

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new oc yanny the cat ;w.. so far i've only 2 animal ocs next to paul and now yanny! She will be a treat to draw honestly.. i rlly need more animal ocs. It's giving me flashbacks to my 9 yr old furry self LMAO

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mfw knowing damn well my dumbass will forget about this art piece and leave it unfinished in the void

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You gaze into her womb, and she looks at you. Maybe you shouldn't have come here.

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i ate literally , a pound of belgian chocolate chips im really not okay rn and my skin feels like an oily fetus who thought this was a good idea

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