P J Richardsさんのプロフィール画像

P J Richardsさんのイラストまとめ

🪶Artist & Author🦄occasional Unicorn 📚novels: DEEPER OLDER DARKER🌿&🌿 WOLVES OF WINTER🏹🌗 ...I can now also be found where skies are blue💙🦋💙

フォロー数:6585 フォロワー数:14054

🌿🎀🌿May Day in Herefordshire... crosses woven from birch & rowan were hung over cottage doors & seed-beds to ward off bad luck & the spells of Witches, also birch trees decorated with red & white ribbons were stood by stables, to protect horses from the Fae.

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✨🦅✨Eagle lore...
Can stare into the sun without be blinded.
They flap their wings to summon storms.
Are guarding the sleeping King Arthur till he wakes.
Anyone who robs their nests will be cursed.
They keep their eyes keen by eating a herb called hawkweed.

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✨🌿✨Magic of brambles...
Crawl (east to west) through an arch formed where a branch tip has touched the ground & taken root, to cure illness.
9 leaves floated in water from a holy well or spring, each one passed over a burn 3 times, was said to speed healing.

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✨🍃✨Magic of Nettles...
Carry a sprig to protect against lightning, and to give courage.
Cures a fever if you grasp and pull up by the roots, whilst saying the name of the person inflicted.
The most powerful plants grow in places that are always in the shade.

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🌬️⛈️🌬️If a woman ever whistled a tune she was seen as a bringer of bad luck - this stemmed from the belief that Witches could summon storms by whistling up the wind.

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🌙🏹 Greek Goddess Artemis - supremely skilled with the bow. The crescent shape of her chosen weapon echoes that of the moon, over which she rules.

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🌊✨🌊"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite."

💙Romeo and Juliet.

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🌘"I say there is no darkness but ignorance."🌒

✨Twelfth Night.

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🌟"But I am constant as the Northern Star..."

🌿Julius Caesar.

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🍀🌓🍀Faeries by Brian Froud and Alan Lee - the exquisite art book published in 1978, that changed the way the Fae were portrayed - from sweet and childlike flower-fairies, back to their older, darker and dangerously beautiful forms...

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