

Comic artist/cover artist
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# minabo

If all goes well, I'll be taking vacation next week. I'm finishing all the priority work, otherwise, I'll be resting 1-2 weeks, I need it ❤️

Si todo va bien, la semana que viene me tomaré vacaciones. Estaré descansando 1-2 semanas.

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Ugh tengo una salud de mierda hoy me he levantado pochisimo y no tengo fuerzas para nada

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Cuando me pille las vacaciones me estoy planteando darle otra oportunidad al Witcher 3 o al Nier... Pero es que me da un poco de pereza y desde luego a los dos no voy a poder 🥺

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List 4 games that come to your mind without thinking and that have marked your life as a gamer.

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I'm going to take this afternoon off because I can't take it anymore, tomorrow I'll be back with renewed strength! 💪💪💪

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People, I'm trying to send the work as soon as possible but right now I'm very very busy so please understand that it might take me a while 🐁

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"What is your favorite science fiction saga: Star Wars, Star Trek... ?"

"Yes, sure"

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Good Monday. I've worked from 7 am to 9 pm 🥴.

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Excelente. Vuelven los chistes sobre

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