

Hello! I'm Victoria. Concept Art Student. Just a big geek that likes to post some art now and again. ᕦ(ȌᴥȌ)ᕥ

フォロー数:429 フォロワー数:982

A perspective thing for class

And an Angel boi for fun.

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Before Prack was a murder boi, he was a murder bot.

Also gonna be doing a weird mix of inktober and OCtober. I dunno. I just need to do art. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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4) Most disliked in universe is Taylor, cause he's a loser.

Most liked is Terro, who's a beloved lord of an agricultural citystate that became so terrified of death that he turned the place into the necromancy capital of the world.

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3) Guerran worships a goddess of war, which has shaped a lot of who he is. Likes to make trouble where there wasn't any. Would absolutely poke a sleeping bear.

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2) Prack's a murder boy who likes to wisecrack. Irredeemable junk pile. My son, that idiot boy of mine.

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Also, I feel like it would have been cheating to put Anri who's personality is actually just mine.

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1) Tough one cause most of my characters are jerk butts (which I hope I'm not hahaaah), but gonna go Naomi Bellerose. She's sorta the ideal adult me that teen me wanted to be.

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Some cardians art I never posted.

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Draw yourself in your friends' style! Part1
Cause I should be working on OCT stuff :'D

Featuring the sisters ( & ), , and .

I'll add five more next time I need a warm-up. This was fun. uvu

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Recently had a reignition of my love for Bloodborne.
Quick sketch of a dumpster man for warm-up~

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