

Hello! I'm Victoria. Concept Art Student. Just a big geek that likes to post some art now and again. ᕦ(ȌᴥȌ)ᕥ

フォロー数:440 フォロワー数:983

So, a lich and a warlord walk into some blood...

Sketch of 's gurl and my boi from a homebrew campaign.
Might attempt to paint over it at some point.

4 20

Who needs to draw more backgrounds?
Meeeeee ;v;

8 25

Mmm sketching~

1 16

Nevermind, this is lad.

1 11

Some redraws and the month is done o7

0 6

Various Polar doodles
+1 au Addi cause I draw the lad too much

2 16

//coughs out more robits

0 10

Thought Elevyss might look good in it. uvu

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