

Boosting artists' skills in just 5 minutes a day with #mydaily5 🚀
• 9000+ Digital Painting Academy Students 🎓
• Explore the DPA 👇

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Get your regular dose of art inspiration on Instagram from these AMAZING artists 😍

Featuring Eva Balloon, Morgyuk, Christophe Young and more...

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How many of these movies have you seen? 🤩 🎬
Get inspired by our collection of digitally painted movie posters featuring , Marcel Domke and more... 🔥

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Did you know that you can paingt ANY skin tone with only these 4 colors? 😲 Find out how:

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Did you read it? Do you have the Free E-book? 😎

If you need a little art motivation, you're going to love this!

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Our new collection of digital painting inspiration is out now! 🎉

Featuring Loy Baldon, Ali Kiani Amin, Krystopher Decker and many more...

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BIG thank you to everyone who participated in the challenge. You guys were amazing 💪😎⁠

I'm sure you're all excited to find out who gets the incredible prizes by & , the lucky winners will be announced really soon 🤩⁠

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Challenge is almost here! Are you ready? 😀⁠
In the second module of the Masterclass, you'll learn how to go from a sketch to a fully rendered hairstyle! 😍⁠
Sign up now 👉

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The Challenge is starting soon!🤩 Did you sign up yet?

JOIN & WIN one of the amazing prizes provided by our sponsors, & 🎉

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The Challenge is only 5 days away! 😍 Did you sign up yet?

JOIN & WIN one of the amazing prizes provided by our sponsors, & 🎉

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