The Dino Crisis (Handler Best Girl)さんのプロフィール画像

The Dino Crisis (Handler Best Girl)さんのイラストまとめ

Just a guy that likes Dinosaurs, Danganronpa, and Monster Hunter. Says random shit a lot. Also an artist that doesn't do art

フォロー数:355 フォロワー数:504

That's a tad bit outdated, this is more what Tyrannosaurus actually looked like!. The art is by RJ Palmer, the figure is from Beasts of The Mesozoic, and the 3rd is Prehistoric Kingdom

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Not really, it would mostly be scaly but more than likely had a light coat of fuzz, similar to something like an elephant. This is one of the best recons for what T.rex looked like, done by RJ Palmer who's a magnificent artist

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You'd probably think otherwise, but I got quite a lucky chance of of surviving with them on my team

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Velkhana is an absolutely magnificent Elder Dragon and probably one of the more prettier of the Elders. Everything about her from her design to how she functions is perfect, as Monster Hunter has a good track record of doing

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Ah that sucks absolute balls. I'm sure you would've loved the funky Bird Wyverns. Like Aknosom

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I can imagine this playing as these two are squaring up with each other

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