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I'll never forgive Pokemon for WASTING the fossil slots in Gen 8 with these abominations. We could have had a Dunkleosteus, a Raptor, a Stegosaur and some kind of Pliosaur maybe? But no, they had to do this gimmick which I get it, but it feels like I was cheated.

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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, I remember loving when it first came out. I actually played through it twice back in 2007, but on this replay, I could barely recall what happened. The first few hours of this game feel more like a generic sci-fi shooter than a Metroid.

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The next game, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, is one that I really only played once when it came out and never really replayed it, even when I got the trilogy. I remember getting stuck a lot because Echoes is a lot more cryptic than Prime 1 and the same thing happened on this replay.

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A lot of people said it already but yeah, it's from Bug Fables, very good Paper Mario-like RPG with cute bug characters.

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The more I play of Metroid Prime 2, the more I realize it's actually a Zelda game with a Metroid skin.

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Standing by this since I'm replaying Metroid Prime 2 and there are moths in that too with the luminoth.

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I also have a transparent version as well as ones without the food on the mouth.

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