

Twitch de moi et @MyCyPipoula
Steam : Lawleith
Aime bien les grenouilles…

フォロー数:1937 フォロワー数:46

🐰Cute present, her little smile melt my heart 🥰

🐸🐑Ty for the present Ribbit gang you can sleep now you deserve it well ❤️

0 18

🐸🐰Congrats for the peace well play Spicy nun and Clumsy nun the resolution of this conflict ( It is not necessary to sign a document for this peace, it's enough to eat the food of the other side to obtain an agreement, Frog nun eat carrot and Rabbit eat broccoli )🥰

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🐸🐰Best team Ribbit Ribbit Rabbit for don't laugh contest 🥰

😠😊Sorry for you Little Quacker 😅

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😊Thanks for tour effoort Clumsy nun but i'm not sure it's a best solution but you try and it works a little 🥰

🐰🐸The leaders of both sides are not even really interested by their fighting ( Rabbit nun knows they are going too far and Frog nuns in the middle of thinking ) 😅

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🐸🐰Stop the war please just make the peace ( good Nap Frog nun )😅

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🐸🐰Frog nun i agree with you Frog > Rabbit but don't steal member of Rabbit empire her is leader poteniel dangerous for Ribbit gang (Rabbit nun it's a misundertanding ) 😅
🐑Sheep nun save us 🙏

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🐸The birth of an empire (Ty Sheep nun for your work in the shadow for Frog nun maintenance)🥰
🌶️😊" TOP 10 Most epic tic-tac-toe fights"😅

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🐸🐰Rabbit nun don't use hypnose on your successor (not a good solution like try to be friend with hypnose)🥰
😊🌶Cute 🥰

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🐸Little Frog nun rides a goose for the future ride Big bro(Sheep nun with smile im in good feel)🥰
🌶😊Genius strat😅

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🐸😊Call anyone for Frog nun and Clumsy nun and please keep Spicy nun away from them😅

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