

Twitch de moi et @MyCyPipoula
Steam : Lawleith
Aime bien les grenouilles…

フォロー数:1920 フォロワー数:31

🌶️🍔Both are good poor Clumsy nun no right to speak Glasse nun just follows the healthiest, Sheep nun in her kindness plays the game and Frog nun has found the solution 😅

❗️Sorry but today it's a vegetable soup😅

0 14

😊🐸Thanks Clumsy nun for "protecting" Frog nun, and using your head to bounce gatling-duck bullets😅

🦁🌶️Very impressive lions (I see your mom take serious your diet) Smart move from the duck🥰

0 11

🐸🐑All hail the king ! The RRG follows its leader everywhere and especially her extravagances.(Thanks dad for watermelons)🥰

🍔🐰⭐️Don't worry Hungry , let her play for 2sec. Rabbit nun and Star nun come to explain the split for at least the 1000th time😅

0 12

🌶️😊Wow good job you are really talented 🥰

🐸🐑Soon a pure masterclass 🥰

0 10

🐸🐑🍔Thanks Sheep nun to protect Frog nun , Hungry nun sorry it's not a simple hot dog😅

🌶️👓Spicy nun ,don't hypnotize her friends ,you can eat "chili hot dog" but let other eats a normal hot dog look your cat he's not reassured😅

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🐸🍔😊Frog nun thanks for the news but who dosn't like RRG ,sorry Hungry nun that you understand that you don't eat the real products and moreover the slime of Clumsy nun 😅

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🐸🍔Frog doll giga chad and Hungry nun benefits from the actions of past events🥰

🌶️😊Spicy nun will take things seriously and Clumsy nun you are full of good intentions but it's time for a littkle diet for cat 😅

0 13

🐸😊🌶️Everyone has their own method of "brushing their teeth" Frog nun doesn't eat the toothpaste please it just tastes like banana. Sheep nun ,she really needs you (thanks for infos and gifts it's important)🥰

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🌶😊Clumsy nun enraged hard to control and Spicy nun who loses control of her joke😅

😠Give her explanations and big hugs🥰

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😊😏Really sad too see Smug nun and Clumsy nun like that btw don't be angry/sad ,she won't let you down, she loves you too much for that🥰

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