

Bristol (UK) based miniatures painter & modelmaker, commissions status: see pinned 💚🧷🖤 he/him…

フォロー数:2431 フォロワー数:3246

The full squadron of five Aeldari Wave Serpents of the Il-Kaithe Craftworld, & a shot of the whole set for this commission 🙂
Still have the rest of the weapon options to paint (all magnetised) before sending them off to New York

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The Wild Wyvern welcomes adventurers and travellers with ale, beds and debauchery!
Scratchbuilt from foamcore, balsa and card,with resin doors, barrels and crates from Miniatures for scale by

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It's Megatron!
Hehe, it's part of a metal AT gun kit from Empress, but I kept it stripped-down without the crew shield and tiny tiny wheel cranks (fiddly as! Shades of the old 40k metal vehicles but somehow worse)

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My current character. She is Ajirah. She has destroyed the Dark Brotherhood and resents being 'summoned' by the Greybeards, so she's making them wait.

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