

FR/EN - 2D Artist - Du coup je dessine des trucs - Fandom side account @PandoRwby

フォロー数:299 フォロワー数:146

Tock the white rabbit
Xerxes the mad hatter
Mercury the dormouse

I wonder how their trainer looks like huh

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Butch vampire go brr

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Fam wake up new Ralsen’s friend just dropped

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When your pokemon RP characters might not have chosen the easiest job for themselves

Inoke (pink hair) belongs to

Char et Inoke peuvent vous servir de bons chocolats chauds ici

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Your favorite genderfluid Pokemon Battle Cafe multitasker Char

FR Je joue Charlotte ici

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Making silly little rp character for silly little Pokémon rp forum I was on 10 years ago time really is a circle
This is Ralsen. Short himbo lesbian. Give good hugs. Wants to rescue people.
If you’re a french speaker I play her here join uuuus joiiiin uuus

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Omg art
Fake flygon regional form of ’s project✨

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Are they... you know... childhood friends or smth

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From last year blablah oc when you’re fifteen blabla redrawing them every now and then blablabla redesigning them every now and then too something something- what ?

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