

☆Hobby Artist, Strawberry Fanatic - Brand artist and writer for @ToontownEVH☆

フォロー数:23 フォロワー数:375

Some birds and some cogs. OCs belong to , , , and (ft my Boiler oc)

6 13

Late post time, today's attacks all focused on drawing different interpretations of TSP's Narrator! Makes me wanna go back and draw mine again and improve him...

Designs belong to , , and

6 12

Listen Here. I Don't Like You. I An Now Going To Bark At You.

5 22

Two attacks, three ocs. Characters belong to , , and @/hypno-goggles (tumblr).

3 8

A revenge and 3 attacks today. These are for , , and . I'm not doing lineless again.

7 13

Starting off Sunday, we have attacks on , seraphean (AF), , and . 2 for 2 on attacks and friendly fires lol.

7 16

A trio of cuties, first two being based on ttevh's species! More info abt them below.

9 24

Revealing this after nearly greening the person I got in a FO was one heck of an apology lmaoooo. My secret santa art for on the Toontown Pride server!

8 20

It's that time again: This year's art fight, we're fighting on Team Wither! The mushrooms sold me what can I say?

13 33

Can't find the og post for the life of me but here's last year's drawing. Boy has my art style changed...

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