Stefan Darrさんのプロフィール画像

Stefan Darrさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:292 フォロワー数:109

Now it's my turn too, thanks !
I’m Stefan and my drawings are traditional with pens and paper and increasingly digital
I invite

4 25

Frohe Ostern! Modell gestanden hat heute der Lego-Osterhase. Endlich ein paar freie Tage zum Zwischendurchkritzeln. Bleibt alle gesund!

5 28

weekly little red panda...this week with colour! a personal challenge for me...

3 18

my black and white horse at the weekly art challenge...i didn‘t look at the could be also more than a hour...very difficult

4 19

the cute little puffin is for my little daughter...she is always interested in my is a puffin, isn't it?

3 12

my second digital attempt...i think i have to improve my anatomy it is my own comic-sketching-style

2 7

back again ...wonderful theme! attempt inspired by the amazing artworks of Fritz Baumgarten

4 19