Paradox Lostさんのプロフィール画像

Paradox Lostさんのイラストまとめ

Rated number one homestuck fan game by himbo monthly, opening gambit available now for free at

フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:21

the best streams are the ones where the streamers suffering... ok but for real someone help her please

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a boar that comes, goes, and speaks with a BANG

True royalty shouldn't be subtle, especially when your young and undergoing your pyromaniac phase and legally able to do whatever the fuck you want.

maybe get under some shelter and play some paradox lost!

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An empowered dog claws to top to greet you

dude im fucking scared, this dog is fucking

is that a fucking 8 pack on their fingers? they must play paradox lost, volume one avalible now at

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A paranoid rooster eyes you up.

and whatever's behind you... don't turn around.

and while your not turning around play paradox lost~!

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A starry eyed sheep gives you welcome

you think we didnt have clowns? we are a respectable fan work, of course we have clowns! the audacity of such an accusation, the tom foolery!

see if you can get a glimpse of them on your phone here at volume one!

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a melancholic horse welcomes you aboard.

no its not equius please stop asking... you... you didnt ask? oh...

play paradox lost...

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A vindictive snake watches carefully...

wait rabbit has a girlfriend? maybe?

while were looking into this mystery go ahead and try not to piss her off to much in volume one of paradox lost!

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A combative dragon takes the stage

oh god, sir, the ball, the ball! sir, og fuck, hes to busy glareing at me like im dirt to notice the ball!

hes going to get smacked by a ball but you can still paradox lost

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A stubborn tiger holds it ground and gives a special message.

get a glimpse of royalty today at

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a curmudgeonly ox, what could they be exiled for... also.

im looking....


dose this imply swedish trolls? troll vikings? maybe.

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