Suzanne Pardueさんのプロフィール画像

Suzanne Pardueさんのイラストまとめ

Professional Photographer and Model | Published Writer | Passionate Traveler | In Love with Life... Life is an Adventure! Come follow me! ♥️

フォロー数:151383 フォロワー数:205019

When we give cheerfully and
accept gratefully, everyone
is blessed...

- Maya Angelou

335 912

“Music can heal the wounds
that medicine cannot touch.”

- Debasish Mridha

Lucia Micarelli, violinist
“Gabriel’s Oboe” from The
Mission by Ennio Morricone

191 393

Beautiful thoughts build a
beautiful soul...

- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

82 257

Clouds come floating into my
life, no longer to carry rain or
usher storm but to add color
to my sunset sky...

- Rabindranath Tagore

109 327

“Some people feel the rain.
Others just get wet...”

- Bob Marley

434 1292

Love is a state of being. Your
love is not outside; it is deep
within you. You can never
lose it, and it cannot leave
you. It is not dependent
on some other body,
some external form...

- Eckhart Tolle

196 575

Our purpose is simple... to love.
To love each other, to love all
life, and to love our earth.

- Anthony Douglas Williams

349 1057

Fate whispers to the warrior,
“You cannot withstand the

The warrior whispers back,
“I am the storm...”

387 1152

“You must not lose faith in
humanity. Humanity is an
ocean... if a few drops of
the ocean are dirty, the
ocean does not become

- Mahatma Gandhi

351 885