

Early medievalist mostly tweeting about manuscripts and material culture, with a pinch of Antiquity and archaeology

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David VS Goliath: one of the most iconic & dramatic episodes in the Old Testament in the amazing vignettes decorating the glossed Psalter of Odbert abbot of Saint-Bertin (986 - c. 1007).
I don't think there are many early examples, what do you say

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my two favourite portraits of Gregory the Great for his feast-day (he died in 604):
1. the 10thC miniature by the so-called Master of the Registrum Gregorii : Trier, Stadtbibliothek MS 171/1626
2. the 10thC relief now in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in

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The seven days of creation in the exceptional 11-12thC ivories combining western Christian, & features

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About 20 early medieval glass drinking horns have been found in Italy. Here some of the most remarkable for quality, colour & good condition

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All hail one of the most creative early illuminators! Here a selection from his masterpiece: the Corbie Psalter (Amiens BM 18) 😍

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that look on their faces...emotions are rarely expressed in early art, but they were in the stunning 9C frescoes from Castelseprio

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(⊙.⊙) My respects to this 10thC Milanese illuminator who skilfully used the archbishop's pallium to draw his capital B (Munich BSB Clm 343)

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: finding a that is just beyond cool and ruminating all day to find a way to fit it somewhere in a paper 😉

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In front of him he led oxen
White fields he plowed
A white plow he held
A black seed he sowed
A scribe at work in the Veronese riddle c.800

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lovely mid-8thC with some funny-looking animals: I particularly like the startled bull (Autun, BM 3)

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