

Have fun perusing my De Luca Effect thread: tinyurl.com/5n6mmwja

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# hrm hurm

When mentioned this ⬇️ moment of text obscuring violence from Dark Knights of Steel on their most recent podcast, I thought of something a little bit similar from Immortal Hulk ⬇️ 🚨TW🚨

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I wonder if Darwyn Cooke had New Defenders on the brain when he thought up this ⬇️

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Agent 355 by Pia Guerra (the character's co-creator) and an upcoming movie titled The 355

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Rorschach's Hawkman in Robin & Batman by Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen & Steve Wands. Please add your own examples to this thread.

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Tara learns what some of her fans really think in The Wicked + The Divine 🚨 I have blurred the second image. Please seek out the issue and read the abusive tweets in context.

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✅ This moment between Sue and Johnny in Fantastic Four: Life Story by , Sean Izaaske & co. ⬇️

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's take on Sue Storm in Fantastic Four: Life Story (this moment is from issue ⬇️

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