

I'm Striker! I post art and content quite variably... Some of it weirder than others (my apologies). Remember to use the media tab!

フォロー数:38 フォロワー数:233

Kvikuvél and Pandora both like extreme temperatures, and are rather short! A perfect pairing for possible vexing volcanic ventures!

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Drakopai are an offshoot of the Dinokin that have hybridized with dragons. They work well with animals and have many a far far range for looking after Meeba, Prokarygoats, and others alike!

Even AI is treated equally - a testament to their unending kindness toward other beings!

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Kvikuvél can fly around by spinning their 'hair'. More importantly, they have non-dairy all-magma skyr...

"I have to make magma into people food so people don't think I just down globs of molten rock. Especially since more, and more robots are eating people food nowadays!"

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Starting with the smallest of giant bugs! The Dataphid!

Used by larger insects for boring codework, these brainiac bit bugs will put their foot (butt) down on smaller beings at any chance they get!

Like this orange Techobeast currently under their hefty bug bestie!

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It's all silly yellow yokai tricks until the sentient AI enters your plane of existence in the form of vengeful onryobots! Looks like Striker better disappear, lest he end up with cartoon bites taken out of him, or worse!

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Wanna see a synth disappear? So does Striker! It's a good thing Unit 254 was painted yellow just for the occasion!

Maybe when 254 is rebuilt, they'll opt for a factory default ghostly white, instead of a yellow-bellied yellow!

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Haiiro is a hybrid, Archiver-Eraser who specializes in eliminating specific threats to universes or timelines. They can change their hands to 'tear' open time rifts, and sport a small infrared halo to safely hang out with the more ravenous Langolian Erasers

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A strange bird robot designed to mine in the cavernous depths of Gjallgryfjufjall! It resembles the Volcano Spirit, and therefore pleases the Spirit - reducing the risk of eruption! Supposedly...

The Spirit is said to melt this unit's heart too, as well as the rest of it...

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"Yeah, Beebee might be a hundred tons of caustic asbestos, but these 4 tons of steel are keeping it in check!" - Curtis, right before getting glomp-body slammed by a hundred tons of library nerd

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