

I draw stuff…

フォロー数:205 フォロワー数:271


6 31

I appreciate the tag, but did you really have to get rid of my signature? I'm sure it wouldn't have been that bad for a thumbnail

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Its my Birthday!
Here's some of the dbz stuff I'm working on right now!

3 11

I know I don't have a lot of fans, but would guys support me if I switched it up and did non-dragon ball art?

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.......I got him on literally the second step😂😂😂😂😂😂#DBL3rdAnniversary

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I would start by getting a good reference. If you want him to have an aura for example it’s gonna be different. For the skin it’s a bit trick knowing where it’ll look good. It’s a bit of trial and error generally tho darker shades under thick defining lines

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