PaulDrawsArt 🎄さんのプロフィール画像

PaulDrawsArt 🎄さんのイラストまとめ

Hi • 28 • Irish digital artist who draws on his phone • I work as a software engineer in the daytime •

opinions do not reflect those of my employer…

フォロー数:643 フォロワー数:34406
# mar10

My space mage! Honestly would love to do more with him but for now he just gets the occasional sketch

12 102

How do we feel about this pikachu?

53 479

*Hands you a Bolb*

Hold on to this and don't lose it

34 183

Its a shame twitters compression makes zooming in on it all pixelyz so heres some close ups because I spent too long on some of these pokemon for people to not actually see them

66 749

They're still friends after 3 and a half years

105 1314

200 retweets and I will do the whole pokerap like this

586 1914

I finished drawing all 151 original Gen 1 pokemon in one drawing!

All drawn on my phone!

8264 41074

Ground type!

I'd probably just be the first or second gym, nothing too serious

5 132