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Post your four favorite animated shows of all time, and tag five of your friends to do the same!
@ColdestPics_ https://t.co/TV6vFcFPBw
Who are your favorite Heroes In Training? (here are mine ❤) 💥🔥⚡🏢 #MHA #superhero #anime #manga #Todoroki #uraraka #Bakugou #Deku #BokuNoHeroAcademia #KoheiHorikoshi
Who are your favorite mecha anime characters?
🤖🚀🤖 #mecha #anime #codegeass #Kamina #DarlinginthefranXX #GurrenLagann #Lelouch #zerotwo #Simon #Crunchyroll
Post 2 comfort characters and tag 7 others to do the same!💞
@RascalE10 @rinacastillom61 @ColdestPics_ @Flora100flo @superkid801 @Bigbrourriza @JessWal61214376 https://t.co/vFnfFZBlK1
@RascalE10 @superkid801 @Bigbrourriza @Kadek1233 @nozakikun_tmi @tubakiidumi He and in Bakugo's opinion the true MC of MHA should be great friends!😂
Who is your favorite Nozaki-kun character and why is it Hori?😍 🎭🎢💞 📚 #gsnk #MonthlyGirlNozakikun #MasayukiHori #anime #manga #tanuki #Kashima
QRT this post with 2 of your favorite fictional characters and tag some friends to do the same.
I pick: @ColdestPics_ @RascalE10 @BassyChanIsHere @aziansweet22 @Mohammad4853849 https://t.co/H977uzfZKa
Which romcom anime series has your favorite intro?
💖💘💞💗 #kaguyasamaloveiswar #gsnk #nozakikun #OuranHighSchoolHostClub #Toradora #RomCom #anime #intros
Kaguya-Sama Love is War 😸💘🗣💞 Love it or Hate it? #kaguyasamaloveiswar #kaguyasama #romcom #anime #manga #Crunchyroll #AaronDismuke #love #comedy