

*NSFW* 🔞 The filthy, horny account of a gay badger dad. Providing daily sweet and spicy vignettes. He/Him

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Take my refs, but please don't hurt me.

0 9

You usually have a healthy amount of dads as your mutuals.

2 26

I know I'm not the usual body type you would draw but it's worth throwing my hat into the ring if you do decide.

0 6

RT if you'd kiss both.
By and

85 240

“Welcome to the show, contestants! As always, let me greet you all with a friendly kiss and grope in your jocks. Now our first round is; ‘guess that song’ where I sing loudly into your ass for the other contestants to guess what I’m singing. Would you bend over for me, handsome?"

7 78

Don't you threaten me with a good time.

1 3

Aw, thank you. I needed to hear that.

1 15