

31, NO AGE IN BIO/ MINOR = BLOCKED, he/him man, 🔞 NSFW account 🔞 (Commissions closed)
Call me Phill, eng/poco esp

フォロー数:217 フォロワー数:3426



Going to just post these as I make em, and then put them all together in the end. Enjoy Momojirou

1 10



Final festival prompt, “ video games” , I just wanted to see Endeavor’s legs in Chun-lis qipao

53 329

Scrapped crossover pic for just couldn’t bring myself to finish, but now there is another “ crossover” prompt.... so here we are, hawks is in here thus this is might also be a little teensy bit

4 50

festival prompt “mermaids” did two sketches, not sure which I liked more

41 296

Somehow accidentally deleted this. Enjoy catcher Enji and pitcher Hawks for the festival prompt “sports”. Play Ball! ⚾️ ⚾️

70 584

Cheesy paranormal romance cover, done! Is this Good Omens? Need to stop dedicating so much time to silly jokes.

26 241