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We publish #RPGs focused on character & story: #13thAge, #TrailOfCthulhu, #NightsBlackAgents #TheYellowKing and #SerpentineRPG.

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Are your bookshelves groaning with weight, but you still want to get and 's brilliant new GUMSHOE swords and sorcery game, Pick up the PDF on the webstore and now!

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While we wait with baited breath to see whether will have to go a'threatenin' to Texas, we've been occupying ourselves by collecting all the resources we could find into one convenient post. Did we miss anything?

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Roena I. Rosenberger gave us three versions of her gorgeous cover for the city book Drakkenhall: City of Monsters. We can see arguments in favor of each, and we think Roena must have felt the same way. Which one do you prefer?

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You’ve heard of Elf on the Shelf, so brings us a festive Myriad Features of Hideous Creatures – a scenario seed for every monster from Hideous Creatures for (with a few City and seeds, too):

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In this article - the first of his Plain People of Gaming series - looks at alternate set-ups for your Ashen Stars campaign:

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Few suspect that the McMichael Gallery of Canadian Art, nestled in formerly bucolic, now exurban, Kleinburg Ontario, houses a forbidden eldritch wing that can be entered only when the stars are right. reveals images of some of the art therein:

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Chapter five of 13 True Ways for the is all about devils—those malevolent creatures from the Pit who delight in corrupting, binding and tormenting mortals. As we prep for we to 's 13 campaign uses for devils:

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During their quest to find interstellar adversary Quandos Vorn in the revenge-seekers hear he's on the hunt, too - for Gorsk, a former lieutenant who has stolen an item of experimental technology. But can they trust Gorsk the God?

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His fascination with surrealism having kicked in during an eighth grade classroom screening of the film "Un Chien Andalou", goes on to explain his opinion of the surrealist movement and how it inspired in this article:

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Make Your Own Luck was the first published adventure ever ran, and he comes back to it again and again for ideas and inspiration. Here, he's used it to design a spin-off adventure, Siege Breaker:

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