

Writer of KAMEN AMERICA, BLACK HOPS, HORROR NOVELS and MORE! Amazon author link:…

フォロー数:2323 フォロワー数:9127

Ultimately, our goal is for all characters to suffer equally and suffer frequently.

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There are *9* days left on the LAST CALL preorders for Kamen America 4/Omnibus!

This is our limited overstock we saved for Indiegogo; after this run is over, we move on to Kamen America 5.

If you wanted to get a copy of KA 4 or the Omnibus, this is it!

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Instant Hydro-Heroine: KAMEN RAMEN!

Thank you for sharing our books with others! We really appreciate it!

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Unlike fat people, we deliver on time.

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The trailer got me all Nipples the Enchilada over here.

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In all the commotion yesterday about Kamen America 4 preorders going live on IndieGoGo, you might have missed the link for this week's episode of Kamen America: The Web Series!

We start a new arc exploring Misha's first adventure as Kamen Comet!

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Thanks Hrvoje! And we've got a lot of insanely cool and surprising Kamen America and Black Hops stuff planned for 2022. It's going to be a BIG year!

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