

Writer of KAMEN AMERICA, BLACK HOPS, HORROR NOVELS and MORE! Amazon author link:…

フォロー数:2312 フォロワー数:9270

When we teased Jackknife with no context, some readers theorized he'd be a transformed USA-GI. In retrospect, I like that idea, but Jackknife is more fun as his own separate character. He gets to have a cheeky attitude!

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That was a fun stream! Thanks for watching and thanks for picking up Black Hops! Hope you dig it!

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It's Waku Waku Wednesday! 🤩

"What's so Waku Waku about it?" you ask? 😒

NEW Kamen Academy! 英語と日本語! 😱

Someone wets the bed. 😔

But there's MORE! Kamen America is now available via Amazon's Print-on-Demand service! Links below...

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Waku Waku Almost Wednesday!

This installment of Kamen Academy includes a SPECIAL MESSAGE for our Japanese readers, so we wanted to post it while they were awake!

The Japanese translations of Kamen America: Omnibus 1 and Kamen America 5 are LIVE!

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To everyone currently receiving & reading Black Hops 5: Black Hops X Kamen America X Soulfinder...

I have JUST completed the first draft of Black Hops 6: Iconic X Antarctic!

As always, we work a year ahead! But the finale to the Black Hops X arc will be worth the wait! Thanks!

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Alright everybody! With Kamen America 6 preorders closed, fulfillment on the books is going to begin very soon!

If you ordered on Kickstarter: You MUST complete your survey! It is an address and payment confirmation and we can't ship without it!

Indiegogo doesn't have a survey.

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The Kamen America 6 preorders have CLOSED! In the end, we had 3,046 backers and a total of $144,111!

Thank you again, everyone, for another spectacular preorder campaign! As always, will begin fulfillment as soon as funds clear & KICKSTARTER SURVEYS ARE SUBMITTED!

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Kamen America 6 preorders close tonight, and SOON!

2 hours left for the Kickstarter:

4 hours left on the Indiegogo:

I'll see you all in the morning, but an early thanks for all the support! It's been a great preorder campaign!

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