@Cheguevoblin Someone wholesome should have the most wholesome NFT ever, within the most wholesome community in all of crypto which is also a blue chip.
Now two things. Wait for acceptance below so you no continuation down. Or have to wait for reversal $btc
Why patience keep paying ? https://t.co/Y8lLSzH1KG
@hentaiavenger66 Imaginé how much it will be when it takes out last summers lows tho
@jimtalbot @abetrade We working out them glutes again sir for dem big cheeks?
I've made my shopping list, and checking it twice
Bobo will be betrayed https://t.co/nK194vTfTh
You kept longing all the way down. To the 1700’s bc $eth had titanium support there. But they were selling to you. You finally panic sell it at 1k back to them before they once again sell to you in the 1700’s. You took your 60% loss, then buy back 70% higher
Many such cases