

A lady with her head in the clouds...


Sprites: Toi8 | @/toi81008
Icon & Header: picrew: shorturl.at/BMWZ9 / Official FGO Art

フォロー数:343 フォロワー数:451

“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” She rapidly says with an apologetic expression. Part of her is still resisting the urge to laugh, evident by Isabella’s slightly puffed-up cheeks. She wanted to tease him for blushing. However, Isabella thinks she has tormented him enough. Once the initial-

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"Ooh, your way with words hasn't changed. Are you trying to make me fall for you again? Haha! Yeah, he is. Believe it or not, I like that part of him too! It's a nice change of pace from all this nonsense. Bonus points if Da Vinci interrupts him." Isabella sighs. "I needed this." https://t.co/jxf72NZAjV

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﹥Chaldea ﹤

“Say cheese!” Isabella suddenly shouts at Romani. A loud click fills the air, followed by a brief flash of light. “Hehe, looks like I caught the doctor in his natural habitat.” She flashes her teeth while laughing to herself. One of her fingers rises near her left-

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Thanks, Sasha! I'll consider it. Heh, maybe sooner than I'm thinking. The offer is mutual, you know? I'll leave you to those cookies. See you around!

[ She walks in the opposite direction, contemplating what to do with that offer. ]

- END - https://t.co/yDoDvhW2bE

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What!? You make it sound like we're close. Gross. No, you don't! As if I'd be thinking of a creep like you beyond that! Nngh. Shut up! I'll refuse you forever. Don't thank me. It feels dirty. The only thing I'll be spreading is how much of a nuisance you are.

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Hehe, so I've been told. Anyway, I'll bring you your milk and cookies in an hour. https://t.co/3K9m1EnynG

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I'll leave you milk and cookies for when you wake up. Haha, it's like you're Santa Salieri! https://t.co/9Wnd7rhMie

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I can confirm all those things are true.

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