

A lady with her head in the clouds...


Sprites: Toi8 | @/toi81008
Icon & Header: picrew: shorturl.at/BMWZ9 / Official FGO Art

フォロー数:374 フォロワー数:485

"Hmm? Not feeling too good, huh? You should get some rest, Ruu. Can't have you overdoing now, can I?" https://t.co/2WUAsAzqOH

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I saw it! I know a beautiful set of clothes when I see them. That magazine is a treasure in a place like this! https://t.co/orIDZdeWzm

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“Her magical output is increasing! It’s stronger than before!”

“Yeah, I can see it for myself. I’ve got a bad feeling. Napoleon! Come back here and get behind this damn shield! Something big is coming!” Isabella calls out to her servant. The two ladies gaze at each other. -

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in common: a desire to protect. It is noble and pure. She understands their feelings. Once upon a time, her own heart also shone like theirs. However, how long can this way of thinking last? Saber believes it to be feeble. She will prove it to them here and now. “I see plenty in-

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free arm digs into the ground like a claw. Her feet remain firmly attached to the floor. In the aftermath, she gradually stands upright while shaking off the remains of Caster’s vines. “Nngh. Not bad.” All of them are fighting with desperation. Saber notes one thing they have-

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difference in speed allows his cannon to strike first. It lands a direct hit to the woman’s visor, causing part of it to break and crumble. The force of his impact sends her back, but not before she can send a chilling glare toward the Frenchman. Her frame hunches over as her-

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Isabella’s bright, blue eyes. “Senpai! You shouldn’t be here!. It’s dangerous!”

“I know.”

“Then why-”

“Because I wanted to.” Isabella extends her hand to Mash. “Need a hand?” She asks with a peppy grin. Mash sighs softly, then musters a smile of her own. The girl silently-

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assault. There is no fear in the king’s stance. She stands still as a statue, locked in her offensive position. The blade, which she had held so long, is brought forward with a powerful thrust of her arms forward. Their attacks clash, creating a wave of energy that rocks the-

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