

A lady with her head in the clouds...


Sprites: Toi8 | @/toi81008
Icon & Header: picrew: shorturl.at/BMWZ9 / Official FGO Art

フォロー数:374 フォロワー数:485

"I'm-I'm...!" She is struggling to cover up her own failure. To swallow it or resist? This is the question. Admitting to it will cause Kadoc to never shut up for the rest of her life with his crap. Thus, she chooses to resist. "It's just a prank, grumpy pants." https://t.co/d3WqDsnJ5N

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"It's unexpected to see you here. With a request no less!" Although he may be intimidating, his genuine sincerity and desire to come up with a gift touches her heart. She forgets her fear. "How about a cute little ribbon for her hair? Handmade of course. A one of a kind!"

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Suddenly Romani’s voice breaks through the tension, giving them the answer they all desired. “It isn’t looking very good. One would be tough, but having two extra unexpected servant contracts… It’s really too much. You’ve never used your magic circuits before, have you?” -

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“I agree, Mash. Oh? Are you finally starting to come around, director?” Isabella asks while forcing a smile. Olga Marie’s shift in tone causes the blonde to stubbornly cling to her peppy exterior. However, this time, she cannot hide it. “It’s no big deal. I’m just a little tired-

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“King Arthur,” Isabella muttered to herself. The young woman shudders at the thought of fighting someone whose noble phantasm made short work of other powerful servants. Although it is reassuring that Mash’s shield can protect them, it did not make it any less frightening. -

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Isabella chuckles as she feels his lips against her nose. "Thank you, Napoleon. I really mean it. It's thanks to you that I even have anything to work with in the first place." His idea piques her interest, but she looks doubtful. "Should I really use her time to do all that?" https://t.co/cUr7FHSHdK

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"And I do love being reminded, especially by someone like yourself." His affection causes a bright smile to form on her face. For a moment, Isabella can forget the stressful fact about her personal items. "You're right. Maybe I can make something with the leftover materials." https://t.co/pM5mih4R0S

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"You really understand me. It has been so hard. I'm happy you managed to save some of it, but... Seeing everything deplete is hard to swallow. Maybe." His words make her heart flutter. It is reassuring. "Napoleon, you certainly know how to charm a lady." https://t.co/vnHxu1nOOW

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"I'm not! I've got the blues. Huh? No, but that's a topic for another day. My makeup stash is depleting. I've already run out of somethings. It's disheartening to say the least. How else can I continue to look good?" https://t.co/JUGRiimAIw

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"This is really troublesome. Too problematic! Ugh, I can't believe this is happening!"

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