Cursive Entelechiaさんのプロフィール画像

Cursive Entelechiaさんのイラストまとめ

Stefan Zweig| Philosophy| Classical literature| Bibliophile

フォロー数:59 フォロワー数:13653

When the war broke out in Bosnia and Herzegovina I was 7 years old!I remember it very well as if it were yesterday! 😔🙏💚
The people of the Balkans are like a dysfunctional family. We may fight and argue, but in the end we are family.
Polykleitos Rengos

5 27

"Man hunts and struggles.
Woman intrigues and dreams;
she is the mother of fantasy,
the mother of the gods.
She has second sight,
the wings that enable her to fly
to the infinite of
desire and the imagination"
Jules Michelet
"Spring Morning"
Childe Hassam

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"May I kiss you then? On this miserable paper? I might as well open the window and kiss the night air."
Franz Kafka
“The Cello Player”
Robert Sivell

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Caspar Ritter
"Crown Princess Cecilie of Prussia"

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"She loved the sea only for its storms, and greenery only when it was scattered among ruins.."

Gustave Flaubert
"Madame Bovary"
Delphin EnJoras
"At the table"

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Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth...

Margaret Atwood
"Symphony In Green" date unknown,
Alfred Emile Leopold Stevens

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"But that which remains for ever incomprehensible is the initial horror, the horror imposed on each of us, of having to live, and that is a mystery no philosophy can explain.."

Joris-Karl Huysmans, "En Route"
GERDA WEGENER - 1886/1940

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Sir John Lavery
"Windy Day"

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