

She/Her / Artist / I draw whatever I’m interested in / NSFW + Proship DNI

フォロー数:268 フォロワー数:146

(Second part lol)

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(Human grumpus’. This took me like, two weeks to do)

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(Decided to combine my two current interests, so I give you Bugware… or Wariosnax? Idk lol)

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(Drew my character, plus my friend’s () and a Fnf version cause I was listening to fnf songs while doing this lol)

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(Made an adult version of Young Cricket, and some random doodles, so I guess future au lol)

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(Decided to make Dark world versions of Amber Sugar cookie and Sugar Glass cookie, might do other cookies (if anyone has any they would want to see, let me know))

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(Designs for Katydid and Locust, plus a bonus 12 year old Cricket lol.)

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(Also I finally made designs for Cricket’s training partners (who I call Katydid (the one wearing reddish pink) and Locust (the one wearing yellow)) I’ll draw a ref for them soon)

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(Have this newer oc I made, the spirit of Halloween)

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(Finished the designs for the swap au, and drew some smols)

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