Merry Christmas Eve & Happy Holiday/Saturday to those indulging! We're kicking it off with some chatting before putting it to a vote what sorta Community Shenanigans we'll be dwelling into today!
Come join us!
(artwork @/_EriArts)
【 2022 October Chibi Reward 】
October's Chibi Raffle, for @/FarawayLoreley! It's been a pleasure having you in company & the community! Congrats on your final model - ! I enjoyed doing her hair. :D
@_EriArts I do not know if it is atomically possible, but I offer 1 whole Kibo
【 2022 July Subathon Reward 】
Another well over-due piece, this time for @/ZEDNovaArt & @/Ein_wulf! Two very special individuals who've done much for the Last City & my streaming journey! Thank you two so much for your support!
【 2022 October Chibi Raffle 】
Slowly but surely kicking myself out of this art funk!
October's Chibi Reward for @/Nepsy_Junior!
How do people do hours-long just chatting streams without having something on the side to engage in?
I try my best to interact & just kinda hang out but my need for something to be center attention is ABSURD LOL. I run outta topics to talk about in like 10mins.
How do social??
Congrats to our Halloween Contest winners,
Ace with their Jackolantern set up, Marcaw with his D'Pipi Mascot & Alucard with his wraith-looking Hunter!
Along with the only art submission from our residential bear (@Rotkanga) & pixel arts!
Naked bitty Grandma wins this one.
Join us at 12PM EST tomorrow to finish off Madison & return to the Bonfire in Dark Souls Remastered.
Don't let the Witchcraft get you.
One of Three Full-Body pieces from July's event, first one going to @/_luckyducky00_ & his Warlock. The request was Roy Mustang - he even nailed the shader in the refs. Ka-chow~
#Destiny2 #Destiny2Warlock #perihscribs
@GorudoGardna Big robot big robot big robot bIG ROBOT..!