

I don’t use this dumb site much anymore but it was too much of a hassle to delete so here I am.

フォロー数:97 フォロワー数:49

Oh my god this thing had like no options dear god
I tried with my only semi-recent photo that looks good

Also quick question: why does my doodle look kinda like emery... https://t.co/vmKuhuEFie

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Your Rosa
Your Morgan
and your Tyson and Gresyk
and your Alex

also feel free to keep recommending things. I may not get to them for a bit but it gives me something to do https://t.co/XaEMzktWdA

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Give me what you got

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Yeah most of those I don’t remember the context behind?
The last one Was a half awake 2am rambling. https://t.co/IqV0DN0dG8

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I mean, that’s my name, yeah
I guess a lot of people are going to be continuing to ask where my name came from and I’m gonna have to figure out how to tell them I’m named after a fictional bear

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Two I almost never see anyone mention is Were Going On a Bear Hunt and the Topsy-Turvies.
These were two books I adored, on top of Where the Sidewalk Ends. https://t.co/C3xncYYsAE

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But hey...jeta and fen and Winona made it to Albuquerque....

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