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The saddest downward spiral in comic book movie history

15 259

Of course, Sonic would never attempt to understand and help his enemies when he knows there’s a good person deep down! He should have just beat the shit out of Surge and left her in her suffering, that’s who Sonic is right?

106 811

The issue with MCU MODOK is that his face looks way too normal, MODOK is supposed to be deformed and somewhat creepy, not just a goofy floating head

33 272

This is completely in character for Sonic

69 535

Prime Remastered is amazing, it’s just the definitive version of Prime 1 to me now, hopefully the sequels can get that treatment next

16 143

My issue with Silver in IDW is how they shape his eyes, the dude can be cheerful without going off model and I find some of his expressions just kinda weird

20 210