

There is no reason to exist other than the hope that the next day will bring change. And if it doesn't, there is always the next.

フォロー数:3445 フォロワー数:155

I don't have anyone I wanna @ for this but I'll still do it

I've watched so little anime compared to the amount of manga I've read especially in the last five years or so lol. I don't think these are really representative of my taste any more, but I have so few to choose from https://t.co/gpUVItEioB

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>tired as shit, turn off PC, take off clothes, get in bed
>immediately feel wide awake, tinnitus ringing in the silence, brain starts thinking about random topics

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I actually made the edit lol, here ya go

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Power Word: Kill is a divine spell from DnD that, if it succeeds, just instantly kills the target

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