Dreamy 🌙✨ Comms Openさんのプロフィール画像

Dreamy 🌙✨ Comms Openさんのイラストまとめ

🇨🇦 || Lvl 30 || They/She || TTRPG / DnD Artist || Paladin Main 🛡️
Needs more coffee in my life ☕

フォロー数:473 フォロワー数:1232

19) Morganna Nightspring
A pretty fishy lady who has a terrible memory but a lovely singing voice.

She joined a bunch of horny space travelers to be their medic.

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15) Farris Reid/FAERIE
He was a psychiatrist that abused his power over people. While getting caught with what he was doing, he decided to have his conscious be put into a machine. Just to get out of his crimes.

A chip was placed so he can't hurt more people.

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12) Malthus
A Triton Bard who spent his time traveling around the world to learn about different cultures.

He doesn't remember a time where he wasn't traveling, nor remember much from his home.

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11) Dorian Locke
Spent his childhood cooped up indoors... In his room, believing he could never go outside because he was "sick"

Daddy issues with his Vampire Father.

He's selfish and cocky, but atleast he's pretty to look at ...

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10) Quincy D. Corvus
An other worldly being that agreed to be a wizard's familiar. Who eventually turned "human"

Seeking to find what happened to his master, he became a Detective! Which led him to meet new people he grew to call friends.

& past winter found love

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9) Auriel
An Aasimar that grew up in a Chantry and became a Paladin. He struggles to find his voice and his place in the world.

He's easy to fluster and easily gets crushes. But will he ever get the courage to tell anyone how he feels...

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8) Nurn'Kal
A cocky shadow-y being that came from the depths of redspace to... Originally attack humanity and become stronger! But instead found comfort in just vibing in high profile spaces/companies.

Eventually for a short while had a sort of cult following.

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7) Alistair Sslas
A big beefy lizard man, who remembered having a good life but not a lot of details about it.

After taking part in some cybernetic experiments, he lost all capability to retaining new life experiences. He tries to look on the brighter things in life

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6) Dreamy Bubbles/Rockwall
A slimegirl who dreamed to become a witch and join the Space Wizard Federation... But she just couldn't get the handle of things.

She worked on a space station as a Nurse/Chemist, she found someone who she ended up marrying.

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5) Ezekiel "Zeke" Varloss
A flamboyant gay alien who at a young age lost his parents due to a xenobio research accident on a planet inhabited by slimes.

Worked on a space station as a Bartender/Nurse/Coroner/NT Rep. And found love~

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