

🎠🔞🎠{🧼One Sick Puppy🧼}{🐎🍖Hippophagist🍖🐎}{🌟Weaponized Horsegirl🌟}{🥩🧠🐁Making Mom Proud💉🥽🧬}{🦄Mare of Diomedes🦄}🎠🔞🎠 SPAM:@pharmaspam

フォロー数:436 フォロワー数:987

His legs are all spattered, He’s got pigeon toes, Little pig eyes, and a big Roman nose, Little pin ears that touch at the tip, A big forty-four brand was on his left hip🦄🍓

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Methuselah, dear Father, Beloved Leader.Took a very diff direction than intended,,,still recovering from hospitalization 👑🦄🤮

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something fast and brainless. work is tiring

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