

Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire ♂ | Physician/Games Reviewer |
Opinions are my own

フォロー数:550 フォロワー数:2840

This will do untill the next Monolith Soft game <3

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Chapter 12 in Dragalia was really good. A lot of new artworks, but these two are my favs <3

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Pretty cool that they focused on her more determined than caring side. Fits the Versus theme better.

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I saw Sariel, Sandalphon, Beatrix, Ilsa, Cucouroux, Eustace and Zooey in some of the artworks. Eustace and Ilsa look more like tie-ins for their companions already in Versus, but I'm quite certain Sandalphon will be a season pass 2 char. Beatrix is prolly also a likely candidate

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You know this one, right?

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GBF Versus artbook pics, more here:

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There's a short prologue mission for Versus in the mobile game ^^

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Skin with glasses when ;_;

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Some more World Flipper free currency and Cygames delivering, bless

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