

. Illustrator
. Composer
. Video Editor
. Animator
. Voice actor
. Idk, i'm a lot of things.

フォロー数:336 フォロワー数:1438

I made some Minus designs for the FNF: Editor's Cut mod characters. And you know what? I'm actually kinda proud of this ngl.

Anyway, i hope you guys like it =)

31 153

I made a small fanart of Older Bro (from the Problem Between Brothers), because i remembered recently how cool that mod was.
Anyway, hope you guys like it =)

21 77

Eu quero mto desenhar esses dois interagindo algum dia.
Só n sei quando vou fazer isso ainda.

3 38

I played the Mario Funk Mix update, and i really liked it. So... i made this lil' thing.
Idk i just thought it would be cool to make a sprite of me in smb style. (I also remade the og background sprites just for this for no reason lol)

Anyway, I hope you guys like it =)

10 21

Desenhei a menina cactus (Espina) da .
Por que? O design dela é fofinho =3

9 36

Aq o meu.
Also parabéns por isso man =)

0 1

Rabisquei o palhaço maluco =)

28 106

Eeu lá tenho culpa se tu é mó foof? Ksks
Vá em frente man =3

0 1

Ô , era pra isso ser uma fanart pra tu, mas eu n sei o q aconteceu q eu falhei miseravelmente no design da sua sona, desculpa ks

Eu posso tentar fazer uma melhor da proxima vez sla.

5 15

Just a small and simple fanart for as a bday gift.

So, happy birthday man =)

5 52