✨🐶A Phee🐶✨さんのプロフィール画像

✨🐶A Phee🐶✨さんのイラストまとめ

.Artist||Nerd||🐶||He/She. Just a dweeb who likes to draw and hyper focuses on nerdy shit. Call me phee~

フォロー数:97 フォロワー数:133

All this made me wanna draw my fursona as a villager

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I do a lot of Camp Camp art cause I love it too much???

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made myself a new icon to use in places

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coloured my fav doodles of the bean pole from the previous sketch page

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I had a dream last night that 's Camp Camp character David was a werewolf and tbh it was the best dream ever

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Tim had no idea what he was getting himself in to, my poor boy

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Been watching playthrough and of course this twat ends up my fav

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